Sri Sarada College of Education has conducted student satisfaction survey via online on teaching - learning and evaluation among B.Ed II year 2018-2020 Batch which helps in upgrading the curricular activities and evaluation pattern as per the data collected from the students. Questions used in this survey have been framed by NAAC. The result of this survey has been presented based on the response of 49 students.
1. When you joined the College, you were oriented about expectation from you and the competencies you should develop on completion of the Programme?
2. Theory courses during B. Ed., M. Ed. etc. have helped you to become aware of the way school system work in the country?
3. Availability of educational documents / reports were a great help in understanding educational operations?
4. During your stay in the College, you had exposure to multiple modes of teaching learning in classroom?
5. During your stay in the College, you were given opportunity to learn through internet-based sources?
6. The teaching-learning in the College enabled you to be capable of meaningfully adopting ICT based learning sequences to school teaching?
7. The learning activities in the college helped you to develop necessary competencies to become a teacher?
8. You were appropriately “prepared” for the practice of teaching in schools.
9. Orientation given for the school-based internship was useful and adequate?
10. How do you rate your experience in school during internship?
11. According to you the internal evaluation was quite relevant and impartial?
12. Overall qualities of teaching learning and evaluation processes in the College are very good?
13. During the stay in the College, mentoring helped to resolve the difficulties in academic and personal matters?
14. By observing your teachers in the College, two significant attributes for effective classroom teaching according to you are....
ignificant contributions mentioned by our students’ teachersIn our college our trainees opined that students centered teaching is more effective and they easily adapted the blended method of teaching, they feel class is very interactive.
Technology usage and teaching methods were very effective; Students were encouraged to speak boldly in the Assembly.
They got opportunity to took part in seminar and participate in Talent Search program.
Effective participation makes them free from stage fear; much importance is given for students’ suggestion.
Communicative classes were provided. It makes to improve their self confidence. Students are well motivated. They mentioned that teaching is correlated with a daily life it will be helpful for understanding the community and they are learning how to imbibe values.
15. Do you think you have fulfilled the expectation through the two-year programme? a. Mention two expectations you had from TEP which you fulfilled.
Our student teachers and prospective teacher educators have positive attitude regarding the two year B.Ed and M.Ed theory classes in all the courses such as core, pedagogy ,elective SES, Tool course and ETE courses etc.
B.Ed and M.Ed students are satisfied in curricular, co curricular and cultural activities
Our trainees feel constructive experiences during their intensive teaching practice
New strategies were adapted in teaching. They agreed that equal opportunity was provided to everyone to ensure their participation in the classroom. Students are encouraged to express their thoughts and views in the classroom.